Kenya Registered Nurse Anesthetists (KRNA) began formal training in Kenya in 2006. This cadre has proved to be of value in training nurse anesthetists who primarily serve the rural facilities in the country. The success of the program caught the attention of colleagues across our borders, and some have traveled to Kenya to receive the training. South Sudan is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the KRNA training with more than 30 nurses trained as anesthetists in Kijabe College of Health Sciences. This work was supported by Hospital Support Organization (now known as African Mission Healthcare-Kenya or AMH-K). In 2019, AMH-K were the primary sponsors for the 8th Annual KRNA conference.
As the National KRNA chapter plans for the 1st Pan African Nurse Anesthetists Conference (PANAC) in June 2020, the chapter has asked for support from AMH-K in this activity. Given their expertise in management of donor funds, AMH-K will serve as the fund management agency for the PANAC 2020. This arrangement means that all monies received in form of grants, donations, delegate fees, and exhibition fees to support PANAC activities will go to AMH-K’s Special projects accounts. This will allow us flexibility to manage the funds in both US and Kenyan currencies. This will be the first time the KRNA chapter is handling funds from outside the country. We will use this first experience to learn from AMH-K what it takes to manage these resources in a manner that will ensure transparency and accountability. AMH-K will also provide an audit of the funds received and expended thus ensuring we remain accountable to the individuals and institutions that entrust us with resources to run this event.